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CE election nomination to start

(February 13, 2017)

The nomination period for the March 26 Chief Executive Election will run from February 14 to March 1.
A nomination form must be signed by at least 150 Election Committee members.  
Each member can nominate only one candidate.  
Candidates must submit the completed nomination form in person to the Returning Officer at 10/F, Harbour Centre, 25 Harbour Road, Wan Chai during office hours.
The Registration & Electoral Office reminds candidates and their agents to strictly observe the electoral legislation and guidelines on activities like election advertising and expenses.
The electoral guidelines require media organisations to give fair and equal treatment to candidates, and ensure no biased treatment is given to any of the candidates.    
Candidates must keep accurate records of election expenses and donations, and declare them in a timely manner in accordance with the law.
Anyone who is not authorised by a candidate as an expense agent, and publishes election advertisement leading to election expenses, is in breach of the law.
For enquiries, call the election hotline on 2891 1001.
Click here for details.